Overseas Investment Insurance
Provides cover for your overseas investments against losses due to political events.
How it works
You may want to invest overseas, but be unable to secure coverage from the private sector because limits have been reached in your target markets or because of challenging conditions that mean your broker is unable to arrange cover.
The Overseas Investment Insurance can cover up to 90% of losses and can be applied to shareholder loans or equity investments, including the purchase of shares or direct investment. You can maintain the same premium and terms for up to 15 years, or adjust the value of cover at each annual renewal.
Protection from risks
Risk we can cover against include:
- damage directly caused by war, civil war, revolution, insurrection, sabotage or terrorism in the host state (including physical damage and the inability to complete or operate a project)
- expropriation attributable to the host government, which constitutes an outright taking, or prevents you from exercising your fundamental rights in the project company
- restrictions on remittances (including exchange controls imposed by the host state)
To qualify, you must be based in and doing business in the UK and the investment must be intended for a period of at least three years in an enterprise outside the UK.
How to apply
Complete our contact form to discuss an application.