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Export Development Guarantee

Access finance for high value facilities, without need of an export contract – bid for multiple contracts, invest in product development, and build export capability.

How it works

We provide a guarantee to your lender in support of finance facilities to unlock working capital to invest in exporting. Pay labour costs, invest in product development or bid for larger contracts with the security of working capital to support your exporting needs.

Companies that are not yet exporting from the UK, but intend to start, can also access the scheme.

The Export Development Guarantee can support facilities over £25 million. For smaller facilities, the General Export Facility may be more suitable.



You must be able to show that either:

    • UK export sales represent at least 20% of your UK annual sales turnover in the last financial year, or
    • UK export sales represent at least 20% of your UK annual sales turnover on average over the last three financial years, or
    • you have a business plan demonstrating how UKEF support would facilitate significant development in the exporting of goods, services, or intangibles from the UK within 5 years.

How to apply

Complete our contact form to discuss an application.